Fusing Glass and Fusing Supplies

Because of limited access to stock please contact us for  availability.

The Glass House has stocked up on Spectrum 96 fusible glass (COE 96) with the closing of Spectrum Glass. If you like to work with these types of glass, stock up now before they are all gone! We have hundreds of sheets of Spectrum, Bullseye & Uroboros fusible also.

Coefficient of expansion (COE) is one indicator that glasses may be compatible, but there are many other factors that determine whether glasses are compatible. If incompatible glasses are fused together, it is unlikely that the fused piece will be able maintain structural integrity. Generally, kiln-glass manufacturers will rate their glasses for compatibility with other glasses they make. In order to be certain that the glasses they use will be compatible, many glass fusers will adopt one manufacturer’s glasses to use exclusively.

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Showing 1–15 of 104 results